Wow, it would seem that by the time I come around to posting pictures and information on one convention another is already underway. I guess I just turn off my convention brain post show and don't turn it on again till I need it.
So I must admit I had mixed feelings about Brooklyn's First Annual King Con. I thought I had a table then I thought I didn't. Then by the time I had acclimated myself to the idea I found out (the week of!) that we did indeed have a table. Thus I felt a bit rushed and suspicious. However, once there, any misgivings I had melted away as the King Con turn out to be a fantastic little show. It was cozy and intimate and not intimidating at all. People were forthright and interested. As usual I met talented and friendly creators and readers and at the end of the weekend my table-mate J.T. and I were giving each other high fives for a show well exhibited.
Above is a photo of
J.T. manning the table. As you can see he's a little bundled up. That is due to what you cannot see; namely a frigid blast of air that blew against the back of our necks the whole weekend. That was probably my greatest complaint and, as I have said before, when your greatest complaint is the temperature that us a sure sign of a good show.
And this weekend I will be attending the newest convention on the scene:
The Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival. Click the link to check out all the pertinent info. It is going to be amazing, packed with brilliant people, and most! Its only on Saturday so check it out. I will be wandering around.
And my last little bit of convention info is that i will be exhibiting this spring at MoCCA 2010. This year its gonna be in April so I am interested to see how that will affect my favorite convention of all. OK! No more convention news...for now. xo.